Safety Tips

Safety Tip Sunday | Truck Stop Accident Prevention

Brian Pickett
3 Minutes

Here again with another Safety Tip Sunday this week. This week is all about Truck Stop Accident Prevention. At the end of a long haul, drivers just want to find a place to park the truck, and with that can come some not so great decisions. A large percentage of truck and trailer accidents happen at truck stops. Unfamiliar areas, tired drivers, difficult backs and inexperience can all lead to unsafe situations, so being smart and safe when parking will help limit the risks of potential accidents. You can find all this information in our Accident Prevention video here.

Some tips for Truck Stop safety are:

1) Try to park in well-lit areas, but stay a little farther away from the fuel pumps, restaurants, etc. Although there are ‘prime’ parking spots, those spots have the most potential for getting backed into.

2) Do your best to not park on the end of a row. This is where accidents causing the most damage occur.

3) If able, try to park between two trucks already parked for the night. Here you have much less chance of getting hit. If there’s a spot open next to you, the chance is that the spot will be filled later on by a driver who is backing in the dark in an unfamiliar truck stop, which makes for a higher risk for accidents.

4) When parking, keep the front of your vehicle even with other trucks in the row. Tankers tend to be shorter than freight haulers, so if you aren’t pulled all the way up, a tired driver might not see your vehicle and back right into you.

5) All LGT trailers should be equipped with cones and wheel chocks so use them at every stop. If you don’t have cones or chocks, let LGT know.

Accidents are not uncommon, but we can do our best at preventing and limiting them. These tips are always important to remember and practice for every trip you make.  Not only does it keep other drivers safe, but it also keeps yourself safe.


a) Park straight; this helps others to park and it also limits the surface area if an accident were to occur.

b) Avoid parking behind trucks that will have to back out; being behind a driver who has to blindly back out has a greater chance of an accident to occur.

c) Park for safety, not convenience!

Make sure to watch the video on our YouTube Channel. Like and subscribe to get more video content like this.

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