Safety Tips

Staying Healthy on the Road: Tips for Truck Drivers

Scot Barney
3 minutes

Staying Healthy on the Road: Tips for Truck Drivers

Contractors face unique challenges in managing their health. Whether it's staying on schedule, dealing with long lines at the load rack, traffic, or the pressure of customer run-out, I often felt obligated to push myself even on days I didn’t feel my best. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine on the road is tough, making it easy to fall into an unhealthy lifestyle.

I’d heard terrible stories about drivers having heart attacks on the shoulder of the interstate or at truck stops, but I didn’t think much of it until recently. Knowing people significantly younger than I am who have had cardiac events has changed my perspective. It’s interesting how perception shifts with age.

What can I do to make sure that doesn’t happen?
  • Preventive Maintenance – The best measure is to create healthy habits. Get regular exercise, maintain a good diet, stay hydrated, and get quality sleep.
  • Regular Check-ups – Head to the doctor to get a physical and lab work.
  • Keep up with your meds – Make sure you have enough prescription medications for your scheduled tour and know where to get them filled on the road.
  • Communication – Open communication with fellow drivers, dispatch, or your driver manager is important.
  • Technology – Consider using wearable health-tracking devices and apps for monitoring nutrition and exercise. Investing in a battery-powered blood pressure cuff is also recommended for monitoring health.
  • Emergency Preparedness – Prepare for health emergencies on the road by carrying a first aid kit, knowing basic first aid procedures, recognizing the signs and symptoms of serious health events, and having a plan for contacting emergency services.

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