
Top 5 Benefits of Team Driving

Lindsey Woods
3 Minutes

Many people consider truck driving as a solo job, but did you know that many drivers are part of a team? Team driving is the next step for many drivers' careers when looking into other options to earn more income. Switching over is a big decision, so here's our top 5 benefits of team driving.

Top 5 Benefits of Team Driving

1.Team Drivers Make More Money

Compared to solo drivers, team drivers earn money for every mile ran. Even though the pay is split, team drivers run further and longer than solo drivers, providing greater earning potential than running solo.

2.Consistent Work

Teams are hard to come by and in high demand.  When you team with another driver, you can count on the work.  While solo drivers constantly worry about getting enough miles, team drivers never have to fear – the work will always be there.

3.Work Collaboratively

Being a solo driver, you are responsible for all the driving, all the loading, unloading, safety and maintenance. Having someone to share the work with – a friend, a trusted partner– can make life easier out there on the road.  

4.Spend More Time With Family or Friend

No more lonely rides! While we all enjoy some time alone, travelling cross-country by yourself can be grueling. At LGT, who you team with is up to you, whether that be a spouse, sibling or friend. Team driving gives you the opportunity to spend time with those you love.  

5.Start Your Truck Driving Career

Finally, team driving is a great way to start your trucking career.  While some jobs require driving experience, team driving is a great way to jump start your career with little or no experience by driving with an experienced truck driver.

Interested in Team Driving? Visit our page on what we offer our Team Drivers here.

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